Best Medical Care you can get for you and your family.
More than 3000 specialists are here for you
Best Medical Care you can get for you and your family.
We are a a full-service, non-profit community hospital, offering comprehensive medical, surgical and therapeutic services. With 281 beds, more than 1900 employees and a world-class medical staff, we provide innovative, technologically advanced care on a patient-friendly, just north of Seattle.
Make an Appointment
You do not need your physician or health care provider to make arrangements for you. Now it is easy and fast and you can book a consult within minutes!
Outside of a medical emergency, your primary care physician is the "first responder" to your healthcare needs
Few of us like to even think about having a heart attack or being with someone when they have one.
State-of-the-art surgical facilities where expert surgeons perform a full complement of procedures.
Rehabilitation services for conditions ranging from stroke and brain injury to neurological disorders.
Main Specialties
We value our patients
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Opening Hours
9:30 am - 8:30 pm
9:30 am - 8:30 pm
10:30 am - 5:30 pm
Check Dates
Meet our Doctors
Our experts are here for you every single day! We care about our patients and we do our best to make them happy.
Why Choose Us?
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Morbi in placerat velit. Phasellus dignissim ultrices augue in mattis. Duis sagittis eleifend sapien, ut fermentum nunc. Ut venenatis tellus ut odio interdum convallis.